Grammarly Vs. Whitesmoke The Showdown
This is the reason why you need to have a Whitesmoke vs Grammarly comparison to determine which one is best. We did some research and found some interesting differences that should matter to you. I found a very interesting article on that I felt really covered a lot of what I was trying to find out.
Grammarly has several distinct advantages over Whitesmoke, and vice versa.
Grammarly is really easy to use and it has a browser extension through which you can access it. But even if you don't have an internet connection, it is something that you can use offline.
On the other hand, Whitesmoke has a few nifty features you won't find in Grammarly. For one, it has a translator tool, and you can use it even on a mobile device like a tablet computer. But that's not all there is to it. If you're having problems writing a resume or a cover letter, you can use Whitesmoke's template and customize it. But perhaps the best feature of all which I really, really like is the software's updated thesauraus and dictionary support.
Now I really don't need to worry about repeating the same word over and over again in the same article just because I am at a loss for words. As we've spoken about in past posts, the English language is incredibly hard to master, having these tools in your belt make it much easier.
We're not going to tell you which software to buy, but we are going to tell you to test both software first before before deciding on which one to buy. Actually, you only ever need to buy Whitesmoke because it's the only one that has a price tag.
Grammarly is, thank God, free to use and you can use it to your heart's content, there are extra more in depth and amazing features that Grammarly has if you decide to go with the subscription.
What's your opinion?